Wheel Retainer

Wheel Retainer , Safe Wheel , Safety Lug , preventing nut from loosening ,Safety Lug
Safe Wheel, Wheel Retainer, Preventing Nut Loosening, Trucking safety, Safety Gadgets, Safety Gadgets For trucks, preventing Nut Loosening, Preventing lug Loosening, lug lock, lug, Safety lug, devices For trucks, Safety appliances for trucks

Introducing New technology for wheel safety to ease safety check inspection procedure for improving accuracy and precision .Wheel Retainer a ringed shape structure That sits onto wheel nuts to prevent from loosening under road pressure (Vibration, heat and braking) while the vehicle is in motion and attaining their clamping force.

The Wheel retainer was recently introduce to the trucking industry as a safety measure Also recommended by TOTAL , Shell and Lafarge. A solution to improve the integrity of the vehicle, simple to assemble with minimum effort. .